• Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 7

    Jake is sick! Jake was unable to visit the orphanage today. The children missed him very much! That left the 2 ladies to venture out on the streets of Rwanda. I’m sure it must look strange when they see two female Americans walking into the village. It was a little troublesome when we were surrounded by the village children at the top of the hill. I didn’t think we would make it out of there unscathed. But after we emptied a couple bags of candy, they let us continue our journey down the hill to the orphanage. Several follow us to see if they can sneak another piece of candy.…

  • Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 6

    Zoe is better! Jake looks like he should have stayed in bed. He roughed it to the orphanage though. Today was a busy morning! After lunch we set up three stations to paint nails! The girls all lined up and waited patiently for their turn. Some of the boys were sad that they couldn’t join in on the fun. Once Alfred brought out the soccer balls they soon forgot about their disappointment. We also taught the children a new song today; “I’m in the Lord’s army.” It will take a while for the children to catch on, but they all say, “YES SIR” at the end. They are so precious.…

  • Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 5

    Zoe was still sick today and unable to make it to the orphanage. Jake is sounding like he is also getting sick. Jake and I spent the morning feeding the children, playing and then telling them the story of David and Goliath, I Samuel 17. The children were so excited to learn of a little shepherd boy with such courage. After the story they answered questions and two little boys reenacted the story!   Today was so hot! They said it was only 86 degrees, with it feeling like 92. However, there was not a cloud in the sky and my Florida upbringing told me it was closer to 100.…