• Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 10

    SUNDAY!!!! What a fantastic Sunday it was. We arrived at Jean Pierre’s home. Jean Pierre is a pastor of the Western Region. He also runs an orphanage. Their about 100 or so children in his orphanage. Jean Pierre and Peter (from Daniel’s House) are friends and work together to raise money for the orphanages. They have created a unique partnership. Jean Pierre is an excellent farmer. He has huge green houses for plants. He raised thousands of chickens to sell. I’m pretty sure Jean Pierre can grow anything. We walked into the church and there was music and dancing. Immediately the children surrounded us, and we all started clapping our…

  • Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 9

    We made this day for relaxation. The hotel we stayed at was Home Saint Jean that overlooked Lake Kivu. The sunrise greeted us right outside our doors. Whatever Jake and Zoe had caught up to me. I woke up with a scratchy throat and kind of stuffy nose. When we met for breakfast, I drank plenty of ginger tea to kill whatever was going on. We were set for a 3-hour boat ride at 9. As we were waiting for the boat, down the mountain, by the lake it started pouring down rain. We raced up the mountain to get out of the rain. Nothing like a leg workout at…

  • Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 8

    Wow this week has flown by! Today was the last day with the children. What a blessed day we had singing, playing and telling stories. The children requested Daniel and the Lions Den again. So, we ended the day with the story of brave Daniel following God and being saved from the lions. It was sad to say goodbye to the children. Their smiling faces are etched in my heart forever. After spending the morning with the children, we were off to the Western Region. It’s roughly a 3 to 3 ½ hour drive depending on the roads. The roads were bad! For a third of the drive we were…