• Rwanda 2020

    Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 1

    February 7, 2020 ~ Today we woke up in beautiful Rwanda! The first step is to always flag down a motorbike to take to exchange money and get some breakfast. Motorbikes are always an experience since there doesn’t seem to be any traffic laws in the country. After breakfast we take a walk through nyarutarama to the orphanage. This walk is roughly a mile and a half. The villagers give us curious glances until we smile and say, “Mwaramutse” (Good Morning). Then they laugh and say good morning back. Once we pass the some the village we get to the top of a steep hill that is above the orphanage.…

  • Rwanda 2020

    Hello Everyone!

    What started as a life long dream became a reality in 2018! I just happened to see a Facebook post from my friend Jake about going to Africa. I had always wanted to visit Africa since I was about 8 years old. I knew that this was my chance to finally go. In February of 2018, I ventured across the pond to Rwanda, Africa with Jake. I instantly feel in love with the people, the culture and the land. And so it began…my annual trips to Rwanda. I needed a platform to share my experiences through photos and words so I decided to venture out into the online world of…