Rwanda 2020

Hello Everyone!

What started as a life long dream became a reality in 2018! I just happened to see a Facebook post from my friend Jake about going to Africa. I had always wanted to visit Africa since I was about 8 years old. I knew that this was my chance to finally go. In February of 2018, I ventured across the pond to Rwanda, Africa with Jake. I instantly feel in love with the people, the culture and the land.

And so it began…my annual trips to Rwanda. I needed a platform to share my experiences through photos and words so I decided to venture out into the online world of blogging. Here it is…RWANDA 2020!

Meet Zoe and Jake! My partners this year to share the love of Jesus through words and action.

Many people ask, how long does it actually take to get to Africa? Well my friends the answer is three plane rides, two layovers, and a trip into the future (through time zones of course)! This all comes out to be roughly 24 to 28 hours.

These next couple of weeks I will try and capture our experiences as we visit with the people and get immersed in the culture. The internet is not very reliable so bear with me as I go…the photos will make it onto the site!

Thanks so much for being a part of this with me. I could not have made it to Africa and bring all of the supplies without people at home supporting me…all the way, my bosses allowing me to take time off, to people that give donations! Special thank you to my husband, Bobby, who indulges my trips through prayer and support!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.