Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 10

Western Region church

SUNDAY!!!! What a fantastic Sunday it was. We arrived at Jean Pierre’s home. Jean Pierre is a pastor of the Western Region. He also runs an orphanage. Their about 100 or so children in his orphanage. Jean Pierre and Peter (from Daniel’s House) are friends and work together to raise money for the orphanages. They have created a unique partnership. Jean Pierre is an excellent farmer. He has huge green houses for plants. He raised thousands of chickens to sell. I’m pretty sure Jean Pierre can grow anything.

We walked into the church and there was music and dancing. Immediately the children surrounded us, and we all started clapping our hands, dancing and worshiping God. It was such an amazing feeling! You could feel the Holy Spirit.

The children prepared special songs and dances for us. They were so happy. Jake talked about the love of God. I spoke on Matthew 22: 35 – 40. These verses tell us that there are two things that God asks of us: 1. To love God with our whole heart, mind and spirit and 2. To love our neighbor as ourselves. After the service, we fed the entire congregation lunch. Then for dessert we passed out candy. It was a day full of blessing beyond measure.

Peter let Jake drive a portion of the way home. Zoe and I voiced our concerns from the back seat. He only stalled the car 2 or 3 times. Jake was glad that he got to honk the horn as much as he wanted. As a result, we made it safely back to the dorm.

Jake driving

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.

One Comment

  • gail roysden

    Really do appreciate you sharing about the trip. It is so nice to have more details of what life is like there and how your days go with them. Thank you Pam.