Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 11

The pastor’s family and us

Last night we had dinner with Peter’s family. It was our time to thank them for feeding us and driving us around. They go out of their way to make sure we have a safe trip.

The last day! I can’t believe we are leaving already. These couple of weeks have flown by. This morning we ventured out and went to the market. The market is filled with everything you can possibly imagine. It is very similar to a flea market but the aisles are super small and everything is crowded together. You have about 10 different people trying to get you to visit their little stand. Then you have to look for a bargain. The sellers in the market do not like to bargain. It is quite an adventure!

The afternoon was spent getting ready to leave. We learned last night that Jake and Zoe’s airline ticket from Kigali to New York was cancelled. Still not sure what happened to the flights. After an hour or so on the phone they assured Jake that he did have plane tickets to leave Africa. We are still not sure. We decided to get to the airport really early to figure out the situation. Hopefully, they will be on the plane next to me as we leave Rwanda.

The view from the motorbike

For now it is goodbye Rwanda! Until we come back next year!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.