Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 – Day 3

February 9, 2020 ~ Today we spent the day with more than 300 children!

We went to the orphanage in the morning. When we arrived there were only a handful of children there. The word must have gotten out because before long there was over 300 children in the tiny space! The pastor opens up the orphanage once a week to feed any child in the village that is hungry. We sang, danced, told stories, and played all day long until the meal was ready to be served.

The older children, those out of secondary school, started cooking soon after we arrived. It takes a long time to feed 300 children. I can only imagine how long it took Jesus and the disciples to feed the masses that followed him. Toward the evening the younger children were getting tired and impatient. The food was finished just in time! The youngest children always get served first. The ones that prepare the meal eat last to ensure the others have enough to eat. The children ate till their bellies were full.

We finished the day telling the children that we come to visit them every year because we want them to know that Jesus loves them and that we love them. The children sang a very special Happy Birthday to Zoe!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.