Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 4

A start of a brand-new week!

Bad news hit today when we woke up. Zoe has the flu. It’s a good thing it waited until after we got out of the airport otherwise, she would have been quarantined due to the Corona Virus. She was unable to make the trip to the orphanage today. We are praying for her quick recovery. Besides Zoe being sick, my stomach has not agreed with something! Jake says I have worms, but he is being like that annoying twin brother I never had.

We made it to the orphanage just in time to help the children get ready for their lunch. The children at the orphanage preschool are split into two different classrooms. There are roughly 35 little ones ages 2 to 3 years old in one of the classrooms. The other classroom is made up of about 50 children ages 4 to 5 years old. About 67 of these are orphans and the remaining are village children that the pastor allows to come to school. The preschool has only 2 teachers! I asked the teacher of the older children, Alfred, “How do you teach all these children by yourself?” He smiled and gave a little chuckle and said, “Very Slowly!”

The children are ushered outside to wash their hands before they eat. Then when they come back in the classroom, they pick up their backpack and sit on the floor to eat. They eat either a porridge made from cassava, tea, and/or bread.

The children usually eat two meals a day: breakfast and dinner. From our standards in the United States these children have very little food and possessions. However, you would never know it! The children are always smiling, laughing, singing, and playing. They are content!


We strive so hard to obtain material possessions in this world to what extent? Shouldn’t we all be content like these little ones? They know that they have everything they could possible need: the love of Jesus, food, and clothing.

I Timothy 6: 6-8 “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.”

Monday Evening

After we stopped by the local pharmacy to pick up some medication for Zoe we were able to attend a local soccer game! The Hurricanes are made of mostly the older orphans and some of their friends. They play in a local league. Tonight was a little different! The team did not have any upcoming games and they wanted to play for us. So they split the team in two and recruited some of their friends to play!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.