Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 5

View of rice paddies from the children’s land

Zoe was still sick today and unable to make it to the orphanage. Jake is sounding like he is also getting sick. Jake and I spent the morning feeding the children, playing and then telling them the story of David and Goliath, I Samuel 17. The children were so excited to learn of a little shepherd boy with such courage. After the story they answered questions and two little boys reenacted the story!  

Today was so hot! They said it was only 86 degrees, with it feeling like 92. However, there was not a cloud in the sky and my Florida upbringing told me it was closer to 100. Even the pastor, Peter, said that it is hotter than usual. Peter said the heat brings a lot of sickness. I think he didn’t want us to fall out walking home, so he gave us a ride.

We spent the afternoon resting up and focusing on the busy day ahead of us tomorrow!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.