Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 6

Zoe is better! Jake looks like he should have stayed in bed. He roughed it to the orphanage though. Today was a busy morning! After lunch we set up three stations to paint nails! The girls all lined up and waited patiently for their turn. Some of the boys were sad that they couldn’t join in on the fun. Once Alfred brought out the soccer balls they soon forgot about their disappointment.

We also taught the children a new song today; “I’m in the Lord’s army.” It will take a while for the children to catch on, but they all say, “YES SIR” at the end. They are so precious. We followed the song by reading them a story about putting on the Armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-18.

Visit to the Children’s Land

After a quick lunch Peter drove us to the children’s land and to visit “Mama”. Mama sold the land to Jake specifically for the orphanage in 2014. Mama and her family farms the land for the orphanage. Half of the crops from the land is given to the orphanage. The other half is payment for the family to work the fields. Mama used to work the land until 2019!

Mama is 87

Since the average life expectancy in Rwanda was under 50 until 2005 it is very uncommon to see elderly people. Mama has lived beyond the normal life expectancy for Rwanda even by today’s standards (68 years old). We make it a point to visit Mama and pray over her while we are in Rwanda. She remembers everyone that visits her and is so happy to see us every year. She tells us she believes God will let her see 100 years before he calls her home.

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.