Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 7

Jake is sick! Jake was unable to visit the orphanage today. The children missed him very much! That left the 2 ladies to venture out on the streets of Rwanda. I’m sure it must look strange when they see two female Americans walking into the village. It was a little troublesome when we were surrounded by the village children at the top of the hill. I didn’t think we would make it out of there unscathed. But after we emptied a couple bags of candy, they let us continue our journey down the hill to the orphanage. Several follow us to see if they can sneak another piece of candy.

 The story request was for Daniel and the Lion’s Den; Daniel 6. The children were captivated as we read a story book on how God saved Daniel from the lions.

Rooms to sleep in

Most of the children are set up in homes with the villagers. However, 26 children stay at the orphanage. They are looked after by the older orphans, those that are out of secondary school. The children sleep two to a bed in bunk beds and on some mattresses in the front room area. The older orphans are set up in separate rooms. The older orphans prepare meals at the outside kitchen, they have a latrine area, trash area, and the hallway is used to do wash.

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.

One Comment

  • gail roysden

    I have often wondered what daily life was like for the children. Thank you for answering some of that. I am glad so many of the children have places to stay outside the orphanage. It must be nice to leave it once in a while. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I love them!