Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 8

Children saying goodbye

Wow this week has flown by! Today was the last day with the children. What a blessed day we had singing, playing and telling stories. The children requested Daniel and the Lions Den again. So, we ended the day with the story of brave Daniel following God and being saved from the lions. It was sad to say goodbye to the children. Their smiling faces are etched in my heart forever.

Sweet Smiles

After spending the morning with the children, we were off to the Western Region. It’s roughly a 3 to 3 ½ hour drive depending on the roads. The roads were bad! For a third of the drive we were serving all over the road to avoid the massive craters that were formed by falling rock and rain. When we made it in the evening we were grateful that we didn’t loose any parts of the vehicle.

We decided to eat a little something before bed. Let me tell you about the service in Africa. The waitstaff are really nice. However, when you go to eat at a restaurant you need at least 2 hours, maybe 3. After about an hour we are all famished, and our food finally arrives. Vegetable Curry in Africa is a plate full of peas, carrots in curry sauce. It was good but not what we expected. We were so exhausted from the morning with the children and the long drive. We all went to bed before 10 p.m.

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.