Rwanda 2020

Rwanda 2020 ~ Day 9

Sunrise over Lake Kivu

We made this day for relaxation. The hotel we stayed at was Home Saint Jean that overlooked Lake Kivu. The sunrise greeted us right outside our doors. Whatever Jake and Zoe had caught up to me. I woke up with a scratchy throat and kind of stuffy nose. When we met for breakfast, I drank plenty of ginger tea to kill whatever was going on. We were set for a 3-hour boat ride at 9. As we were waiting for the boat, down the mountain, by the lake it started pouring down rain. We raced up the mountain to get out of the rain. Nothing like a leg workout at 830 am!

Boat Tour

We made the boat tour of Lake Kivu. Words cannot describe the beautiful scenery as we went out onto the lake. The mountains surrounding the lake are so green and lush with all types of farms and banana trees. It is absolutely stunning. I have always described the hills in the Western Region like I imagine the Garden of Eden looked like. Flourishing trees with all types of exotic fruits. It seems that everything that gets planted in the ground just grows. With the added rain and mist that covers the land; the soil is so dense and rich.

We saw a monkey that came into our boat for some candy. We learned that farmers surrounding the lake take their cows on boats to the islands to graze. I’m not exactly sure how they manage to get a cow in a wooden canoe without it sinking but they do. We also learned that the cows can swim. I forgot to mention our boat was wooden. I’m pretty sure we stopped at the islands so that the captain could bail the water out of the boat while we were exploring. I got a little concerned on our way back when he took out the life vests!

We made it back in 3 hours, thankfully we didn’t need the life vests. I took a nap, to try and get rid of whatever I caught. The day was a day of relaxation and recovery. We focused on what God has taught us during this trip. One of the lessons for me was being content with all the blessings that the Lord has given me. Another lesson for me was to be willing to do whatever God asks of me. For He knows what is best for me all the time. God is good all the time!

Pamela Woehr is the author of Pamela Woehr's Blog. She currently lives in Florida with her husband.